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Keep up to date with Future Focus 21c


Announcing CoDesRes

Updated: Jul 30, 2018

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new project that engages with the Sustainable Development Goals on the Iveragh Peninsula, South West Kerry, Ireland. Adopted by world leaders in September 2015 at a historic UN Summit ,the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a unique call to global action to promote prosperity while protecting the planet.

CoDesRes, is the short name for Co-designing for Resilience in rural contexts through peer-2-peer knowledge networks and STEAM place-based learning interventions. As one of six, EPA Ireland funded projects, CoDesRes aims to develop practical methods to easily embed the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in our everyday lives and contribute towards achieving Ireland's commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Over two years, the team, in a co-research process with communities on the Iveragh Peninsula, will iterate and trial a unique methodology that uses innovative systemic methods and long-standing knowledge networks to engage with circular economies, self-organisation and a re-imagining of local possibilities. Rural communities also have a role to play in the creation of sustainable cities. With areas of sparse population having the potential to alleviate many of the challenges cities are facing by developing viable realistic alternatives to urban dwelling.

Through a series of integrated work packages the team will develop, deliver and iterate quality educational activities (SDG 4) focused on Life Below Water (SDG 14) and Life on Land (SDG 15) to encourage Sustainable Cities and Resilient Communities (SDG 11) on the Iveragh Peninsula. The Iveragh Peninsula is a prime location to explore and develop the use of novel methods for longer-term contributions towards environmental challenges through equitable green-blue opportunities within a rural area.

The team will focus on the four goals within educational and community contexts from Kells to Castlecove, Co. Kerry to build out an existing methodology, the permaCultural resilience (pCr) praxis, (McKeown, 2015). Trialled in Dublin, London and New Mexico, the pCr praxis includes a theoretical framework and practical methods to encourage creative participation in community development through socially and environmentally just processes.

Informed by the SDGs predecessors the Millennium Goals, the pCr praxis will be updated to develop an accessible toolkit and educational resources that support simple effective ways to increase awareness and encourage implementation of the SDGs in locally relevant and meaningful ways.

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