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Featured Resource Archive
Each month we will be sharing a lesson plan and activity linked to our programmes and focus for the month aligned to significant days, like Earth Day.
This gives an opportunity for teachers to engage with the day even if they cannot do so on the specific day as these issues are global and year-round. We will be housing all our featured lessons here.
To access our full suite of programmes please sign on here to register. Our Programmes our free to use under a Creative Commons license and we ask that you sign up so we can support educators in using them and gain feedback in how we might improve them.
June Global Wind Day
This month's lesson, in honour of Global Wind Day, is from our the micro-module 'Offshore Renewable Energy'. This lesson plan introduces learners to renewable energy, focusing on wind power's environmental impact and advantages. Engaging questions prompt critical thinking about fossil fuels' consequences, wind energy's role in sustainability, and its potential to enhance air quality and energy independence. Learners reflect on their roles in sustainable practices and technological advancements for reliable wind energy. They explore the visual and economic aspects of wind farms, culminating in envisioning a renewable-powered community. By the end of the lesson, learners are primed with the foundational knowledge necessary to embark on an exploration of wind energy's intricacies and its broader implications.
To download the resource click on the image of the lesson plan.
May Lead Up to World Oceans Day
May's lesson, as a lead up to World Oceans Day, is from our the micro-module 'Ocean Literacy'. A major contributor to anxiety are feelings of isolation. Understanding our connection with the ocean is vital to create strong links and passion for environmental stewardship. This lesson supports learners to understand how ocean literate they currently are and aims to increase the awareness of the ocean's impact on us, and our impact on the ocean.
To download the resource click on the image of the lesson plan.
April Earth Day
April's lesson, in honour of Earth Day, is from our the micro-module 'Eco-Anxiety'. A major contributor to anxiety are feelings of isolation. When we reach out and make connections with others and share our thoughts and feelings, we lighten the weight of our worries and concerns. In this lesson learners will develop an understanding of what CAN be done to build community which may lead to positive action.
To download the resource click on the image of the lesson plan.
March Tree Week
March's lesson, in honour of Tree Week, is from our the micro-module 'Examining Edible and Medicinal Plants', a part of the 'Seeding Sustainability' programme. Many types of trees found in the Celtic nations are considered to be sacred, whether as symbols, or due to medicinal properties, or because they are seen as the abode of particular nature spirits. This lesson will support learners' understanding of sacred trees in Ireland by developing their own research questions. They will practice dividing up tasks and sharing workload, as well as assessing the reliability of the sources they choose to use in their research.
To download the resource click on the image of the lesson plan.
February Inventors Day
February's lesson, in honour of Inventors Day and the upcoming Innovation and Enterprise Month, is from our new micro-module 'Step into the Future(s)' which is to be launched in March, a part of the 'Future of Innovation and Enterprise' programme. In this lesson, learners are introduced to key terms and concepts e.g. futures, foresight horizon scanning and begin to understand why these are important. Learners will begin to consider trends and develop skills in identifying and test their skills in understanding the three major trend types in the lesson. Learners will define trends, mega trends, emerging and outliers and learn how to find and identify trends by horizon scanning.
To download the resource click on the image of the lesson plan.
January Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January's lesson, in honour of Martin Luther King Junior Day, is from the 'Enterprise Leadership for the 21st Century' transition year micro-module, a part of the 'Future of Enterprise and Innovation' programme. The achievement of wellbeing for self as well as others has been claimed to be the driving force behind the pursuit of justice(1). This lesson introduces the concept of social and economic justice and provides an opportunity to analyse existing efforts in leadership to balance equality and equity in these contexts.
To download the resource click on the image of the lesson plan.
December World Soil Day
This month's lesson, in honour of World Soil Day, is from the 'Dig Out the Secrets of Soil' transition year micro-module, a part of the 'Seeding Sustainability' programme. In this lesson, students will explore nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the soil and their importance for plant nutrition and growth. Learners will be introduced to the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium cycles and how they enter and exit our soil. Through videos and activities, learners will also explore ways to support soil health in an eco-friendly way.
To download the resource click on the image of the lesson plan.
November World Vegan Day
This month's lesson, in honour of World Vegan Day, is from the 'Food Sovereignty' transition year micro-module, a part of the 'Seeding Sustainability' programme. Veganism is a lifestyle that excludes all animal products and attempts to limit the exploitation of animals as much as possible. This lesson encourages students to examine the argument of plant-based diets through imagining the whole world as vegan. It aims to connect food choice to issues such as food scarcity and security, sustainable use of resources and poverty.
To download the resource click on the image of the lesson plan.
October World Food Day
This month's lesson, in honour of World Food Day, is from the 'Feeding the World Sustainably and Responsibly in the 21st Century' transition year micro-module, a part of the 'Future of Food' programme. Through this lesson learners will investigate the growth in global populations through the ages exploring how population rates have rocketed up in the past century, understanding how and why population is expected to plateau at 10-11 billion by the end of 2100, and explore the links between population growth, agriculture, and food.
To download the resource click on the image of the lesson plan.
September World Cleanup Day
This month's lesson, in honour of World Cleanup Day, is from the 'Ocean Literacy' transition year module. In this lesson learners will further develop their awareness of the impact of pollution on the ocean and take action to help restore ocean health. The learners' first hand experience will be used to develop observational skills including data gathering and analysis.
To download the resource click on the image of the lesson plan.
August Back to School
August's lesson, in honour of Back to School, is from the 'Problem to Pitch' transition year module. In this lesson learners will be introduced to the five stages of Design Thinking to build a foundational understanding of the process. Design Thinking is the cognitive, strategic, and practical processes for creative problem solving.
To download the resource click on the image of the lesson plan.
July Plastic Free July
July's lesson, in honour of Plastic Free July, is from the 'Marine Plastic Waste Problem to Pitch' transition year module. In this lesson learners will begin to research aspects of Marine Pastic Waste, in particular the Fishing Industry. Learners will research key aspects of Marine Plastic Waste ecosystem.
Learners will work in groups to research net manufacturers, net transport, net waste, fishers, activism and community impact. They will collate the information as a group learning how to build greater understanding of the problem collectively.
To download the resource click on the image of the lesson plan.
June World Oceans Day
June's lesson, in honour of World Oceans Day, is from the 'Ocean Literacy' transition year module. In this lesson, learners begin to understand how our actions can influence ocean health and cause pollution. Learners will consider the extent of the pollution problem with a particular focus on plastic. Using solution-based thinking, learners can imagine what we can do to reduce ocean pollution.
To download the resource click on the image of the lesson plan.
May World Biodiversity Day
March's lesson, in honour of World Biodiversity Day, is from the 'Ocean Literacy' transition year module. In this lesson, learners are encouraged to use their observation skills to understand the interconnections between the land and ocean interface and further understand our influence on the ocean. Using inquiry-based learning techniques, the learners will become more ocean literate, as they understand the ocean network and importance of the interconnections between land and sea, and the ocean network.
To download the resource click on the image of the lesson plan.
April Earth Day
April's lesson, in honour of Earth Day, is from the 'Climate Change Engage' transition year unit. In this lesson, learners will be introduced to the foundational concepts of Climate Change. They will be introduced to the difference between weather and climate, and begin to understand the changes in patterns and recognise the impacts that this can have.
To download the resource click on the image of the lesson plan.
March National Recycling Day
March's lesson, in honour of National Recycling Day, is from the 'Engineering for Good' micro-module, part of our Passion to Purpose - Enterprise and Innovation programme. In this lesson, learners will examine waste and wasteful products that exist in their local environment and apply their new knowledge to create local action.
To download the resource click on the image of the lesson plan.

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