Our programmes are designed to

Reverse Engineered for the 21st Century
Our programmes were developed through research with learners and educators to
The climate crisis is the defining challenge of our time, and we are living in an increasingly VUCA – Volatile, Uncertain, Complex Ambiguous world.
The rate of change required is unprecedented.
Civil Society Academia Government and Industry will be required by both legislation and necessity to change at a rate that is unparalleled. We have had indicators of this with the pandemic and currently the situation in Ukraine and the impacts.
The current system does not support future-ready teachers and learners, citizens or leaders.
Parents, Students and Teachers, Government, Academia and Industry recognise the current system is to quote the National Curriculum Council for Assessment / OECD is 'not fit for purpose’ (NCCA, 2020; OECD, 2021).
Students need to gain skills and competencies as well as subject specific expertise and be able to apply the knowledge and skills in multiple contexts.
The global challenges we face demand alternative systemic approaches with a real commitment to making equitable change, at the local and global levels. We will need to develop innovative systemic responses that build capacity across all levels of society.
Our educational approach and resources are Ireland's only cross-curricular, place-based STEAM education, with SDG-aligned project, and inquiry-based learning resources that have been developed and tested under research conditions. The core methodology underpinning the resources was developed and built over 5 years, trialled in three countries, and further tested within EPA-funded research for education and community development and is a fully integrated systems approach in combination with circular design thinking - students learn to think cross-discipline and to look at the whole system and opportunities for intervention as well as 'closing the loop' and ensuring their impact is positive.
Working with key / grand challenges The resources are then scaffolded to embed the skills and competencies as well as develop additional subject expertise to fully consider and implement any actions / solutions.
The resources embed unique arts-led place-based praxis, the permaCultural resilience framework to create an approach to place-based STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics as access points for supporting student-led inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking.
In addition, Design Thinking; the cognitive, strategic and practical processes by which design concepts are developed are merged with the critical praxis to create an approach
that encourage the 21st Century Skills – the 4Cs, communication, critical thinking, collaboration and creativity.