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Iveragh Learning Landscapes 2019

Dr. Anita McKeown, presenting the CoDesRes WP2 Toolkit

Iveragh Learning Landscapes is a weekend of talks, walks and workshops encompassing local natural and built heritage, outdoor education, land stewardship and well-being. Based in the beautiful Iveragh Peninsula, between the villages of Waterville and Caherdaniel, the 2019 weekend included an evening of keynote speakers, discussing their research projects in Iveragh and indoor and outdoor workshops in various venues in some of the most spectacular locations in Ireland, including Derrynane National Park and Lough Currane in Waterville.

The aims of the event were to raise awareness of local engagement with SDG’s, encouraging and empowering teachers and parents alike to reduce indoor screen time and influence better connections and wellness using the outdoors to explore and learn in an active and experiential way, revitalise the local economy by encouraging increased visitor numbers in the shoulder season and informing local businesses on how sustainability can be integrated into their day to day actions and raising awareness on the wealth of heritage in the area to assist them in providing a more in-depth experience of their locality to their customers.

Keynote talks for 2019 were about different research projects in Iveragh. Iveragh Learning Landscapes hosted the launch of the toolkit created by an EPA-funded research project working in the Iveragh Peninsula - CoDesRes: Co-designing for rural Resilience through P2P networks and STEAM place-based learning interventions. 

CoDesRes Community Media Workshop. CoDesRes Approach WP2 Lucy Hunt, TY Ocean literacy

You can learn more about the talk, by viewing the presentation here. (hyperlink)

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